Since the beginning of his reign, one of President Joko Widodo's obsessions has been to optimize added value within the country to encourage domestic production and national economic growth. One of the consequences is import substitution.
A decision from the Constitutional Court that recognizes ethical and legal violations by the government and election organizers - even if it is only stated in dissenting opinions - is expected to reignite plans for implementing Inquiry Rights in the DPR
There is the possibility of a curveball from the Constitutional Court decision, which is expected to revive plans to roll out Inquiry Rights in the DPR, which are currently languishing.
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry will be split into the Ministry of Forestry and the Ministry of Environment. Similarly, the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) will be divided into two ministries.
Undoubtedly, the state budget will be a testbed to reveal how Jokowi and Prabowo manage conflicts and resolve differences in matters of funds needed for their respective priority programs.
No significant developments have been made in implementing the energy transition to renewable energy. The program is not optimal due to weak political will resulting from conflicting interests and the political consequences of transition policies.
The downstreaming policy and other programs will serve as a proving ground for the depth of Prabowo and Jokowi’s relationship. It will be a testbed to reveal how both figures manage conflicts and resolve differences in interests and perspectives.
There is unity of intention, but there are different goals. Some want to maintain constituent aspirations, some want to delegitimize the election, and some want to cancel Gibran's candidacy.