Freeport's World's Largest Single-Line Smelter Prepares for Production

PT Freeport Indonesia's copper smelter, the world's largest single-line facility, is set to begin operations in June 2024. As of March 2024, the construction progress for this copper plant, located in the JIIPE industrial zone in Gresik, East Java, has reached 93 percent.
Freeport Indonesia's Vice President of Corporate Communication, Katri Krisnati, indicated that the company focuses on completing the project to meet the specified deadline. "Operations will start in June, with commissioning through May," she said on Thursday, Apr. 25.
This Freeport Indonesia smelter is the largest in the world because it can refine copper concentrate with a production capacity of 1.7 million tons. It will produce 600,000 tons of copper cathodes annually.
The smelter will also yield other products, such as gold and silver bullion and Platinum Group Metals (PGM), along with by-products like sulfuric acid, gypsum, and lead. According to Katri, the copper concentrate smelter will reach full production capacity by December 2024.