The Import Rule Rollercoaster: What Lies Behind the Swaps?

The Indonesian government is set to issue a second revision to Minister of Trade Regulation No. 36/2023 concerning Import Policy and Regulation. Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan stated that the harmonization process is complete, and the final document should be ready in the last week of April. He revealed that one updated provision involves items brought in from abroad. "The annual maximum value is set at US$1,500. Details of what is included will be specified in the Minister of Finance Regulation," he said on Wednesday, Apr. 24.
Zulkifli noted that regulations regarding prohibited and restricted imports have reverted to their previous state following Minister of Trade Regulation No. 25/2022. Similarly, the rules limiting goods from abroad, specifically for Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI), have also returned to those set out in Minister of Trade Regulation No. 25/2022. The government has no restrictions on the type or quantity of goods from abroad brought in by PMI, except for a maximum annual value of US$1,500 per person.