Indonesian Govt Names 30 Priority Commodities to Push Exports

Freeport export duties

The National Export Enhancement Task Force has identified a list of 30 priority export commodities, excluding coal and crude palm oil (CPO). The Indonesian government has also outlined plans for expanding exports to 12 countries. Secretary of the Coordinating Economic Affairs Ministry Susiwijono Moegiarso stated that the inclusion of new export destinations is a strategic move to preempt the economic slowdown in developed countries. These new export destinations include Saudi Arabia, the Netherlands, Brazil, Chile, China, the Philippines, India, Kenya, South Korea, Mexico, the United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam.

The 30 priority export products consist of fish and processed fish, swiftlet bird nests, coconut and processed coconut products, coffee and processed spices, plant-based materials and margarine, cocoa, processed food, oilcake and animal feed, cement, and chemical products. Other priority export commodities encompass rubber and rubber products, leather and leather products, pulp and paper, textiles and footwear, precious metals and jewelry, machinery, electronic goods, automotive products, furniture, and toys. "The government continues its efforts to explore new markets for export development," Susiwijono said on Feb 19.

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