Indonesia’s New Lobster Seed Rule Might Lead to Massive Exploitations


The Indonesian Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is finalizing regulations before lobster seed exports reopen. One key aspect involves setting a minimum benchmark price for lobster larvae at the fishermen's level. Effin Martiana, the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry's Head of the Legal Bureau, stated that the regulations are currently in the public consultation phase.

During this public consultation, the Indonesian government gathers input on the minimum benchmark price for lobster larvae from the capturing fishermen. "Based on field surveys and academic studies, the temporary lowest price is set at Rp 8,500 each," Effin said on Feb 9.

According to Effin, this figure takes into account various factors, including variable production costs, fixed production costs, and profit margins. Based on the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry Decree draft, the minimum price will be evaluated at least once every six months or whenever necessary. Effin emphasized that by establishing a minimum benchmark price, fishermen will have the assurance to avoid losses when selling their catch.

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