KIS Group’ First Bio-CNG Plant in Indonesia Commences Operations

oil and gas industry

PT KIS Biofuels Indonesia proudly commenced operations of Indonesia's first commercial-scale biomethane-compressed natural gas (bio-CNG) plant on Jan 22. This plant, strategically situated within the palm oil plantation owned by PT United Kingdom Indonesia Plantation (AEP Group) in Blangkahan, Langkat, North Sumatra, was meticulously constructed over one year and three months. "We anticipate that this bio-CNG plant will significantly contribute to supporting Indonesia's energy transition," says Edi Wibowo, Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry's Director of Bioenergy, on Jan 23.

According to Edi, the Energy Ministry has formulated the Grand Strategy of National Energy (GSEN) as a proactive measure to reduce dependency on fossil energy consumption. A breakthrough currently under scrutiny involves the utilization of large-scale biogas in the industrial sector as a substitute for liquefied petroleum gas, manifesting as bio-CNG or Compressed Biomethane Gas (CBG). In pursuing bio-CNG development, the Energy Ministry has undertaken various initiatives, including issuing the SNI 9164 Biometane for Fuel in 2023 and releasing business permits under the KBLI 35203 for bio-gas procurement.

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