Latest Data Leak Added to Govt’ Collection of Election Threats


The Indonesian government has announced a breach in voter data for the 2024 general elections. The Communications and Information Technology Minister Budi Arie Setiadi said the leaked data from the official website of the General Elections Commission (KPU) consists of the final voter list (DPT). A hacker reportedly sold this data for Rp 1.1 billion. "Upon investigation, we confirmed that it's the actual final voter list data," he stated Wednesday.

Meanwhile, the General Elections Commission Chairman Hasyim Asy'ari said the voter list data for the 2024 elections is not solely stored in the elections commission's data center. "Many parties have access to this voter list data, as the Election Law mandates the elections commission to distribute soft copies of the voter list to participating political parties in the 2024 elections and the Election Supervisory Agency," he said on Nov 29. Hasyim emphasized the need for further investigation to confirm the hacking allegations and to determine whether the breach involved data owned by the elections commission.

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