RI Sees Hope as WTO Forms Panel to Settle Biodiesel Dispute with EU


The Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) has agreed to establish a panel to review Indonesia's complaint against the European Union's imposition of import duties on biodiesel. On its website, the WTO stated the DSB approved Indonesia's request at a meeting on Nov 27. The United States, the United Kingdom, Norway, Russia, Thailand, Singapore, Japan, Canada, China, Argentina, and Turkey will participate in the panel process.

Speaking to Reuters, the Trade Ministry's Director General of Foreign Trade Budi Santoso said Indonesia had requested consultations with the DSB of the WTO since August 2023. "Appealing this case to the WTO is very strategic in maintaining market access for Indonesian biodiesel products in the European Union, which currently face countervailing duties ranging from eight to 18 percent," Budi stated on Tuesday. The Indonesian Biofuel Producers Association Chairman Paulus Tjakrawan mentioned that these duties burden Indonesian biodiesel exporters. He expressed hope that the WTO panel would soon commence its legal proceedings.

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