China's Graphite Export Restrictions: Shockwave to Global EV Industry

Mining Law

The Chinese government will restrict exports of certain graphite products starting in December to safeguard the resilience of the national industry. This policy is carried out to control the supply of essential raw materials amid rising tensions with the US. News from the South China Morning Post stated that China requires exporters to apply for licenses starting Dec 1. This restriction is the latest version of export controls on seven graphite products since 2006.

Under the latest restriction rules, the Chinese government requires exporters of two types of graphite to apply for licenses: high-purity, high-hardness, high-intensity synthetic graphite materials and natural flake graphite and its products. "It's common international practice to apply export controls on certain graphite items. As the world's largest graphite producer and exporter, China has long resolutely fulfilled its international obligations, such as non-proliferation," the Chinese Ministry of Commerce wrote, as quoted on Oct 20.

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