Arsul Sani, Politician on Constitutional Court Throne

The Plenary Session of the House of Representatives (DPR) approved Arsul Sani as the Justice of the Constitutional Court to replace Wahiduddin Adams, who is retiring. Arsul was elected after participating in a fit and proper test on Sept 25-26. Besides Arsul, there were six other candidates for constitutional judges tested by the DPR: Reny Halida Ilham Malik, Firdaus Dewilmar, Elita Rahmi, Aidul Fitriciada Azhari, Hirida Hasan, and Abdul Latif.
Adies Kadir, DPR's Deputy Chairman of Commission III overseeing Law and Legislation, Human Rights, and Security Affairs, said the institution held a plenary meeting to select and determine one of the seven candidates for constitutional judge after the fit and proper test. "Based on consensus, Commission III approved Arsul Sani to become a constitutional judge," Adies said on Tuesday. Arsul was also appointed the constitutional judge by the DPR's Deputy Speaker Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, who led the plenary meeting.
Arsul Sani serves as the Deputy Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) and a House's Commission II member, overseeing Home Affairs, Regional Autonomy, Administrative Reforms and Agrarian Affairs from the United Development Party (PPP) faction. Arsul has served in Commission II for the past two months and was previously a member of Commission III. In the PPP, he has served as Deputy Chairman from 2019 to 2023. After being elected as a judge, Arsul said he was ready to resign from his political position.