Opportunity: Giant Oil and Gas Block in Papua Ready to Be Auctioned
![Blok Warim](https://cdn1.katadata.co.id/media/dinsights/images/thumb/2023/09/24/2023_09_24-22_29_25_0a41663f2665e19bc753de53ec33a1b9_620x413_thumb.jpg)
The Warim Block in Papua, which has the largest oil and gas reserves in Indonesia, will be auctioned by the government soon. Energy Minister Arifin Tasrif said he would promote the block to attract potential contractors. “We are still preparing. We will promote it first and then auction it; there are already spots,” Arifin said on Sept 23.
He added that some foreign oil and gas contractors (KKKS) had shown interest in the block. “Overseas contractors,” he said.
Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Special Task Force (SKK Migas) Chairman Dwi Sutjipto said that the Warim Block was ready for tender after the Energy Ministry opened the auction. Dwi assured that the exploration of the Warim Block would not affect the protected forest areas.
The Warim Block is adjacent to the Lorenz National Park, a protected forest area. Therefore, Dwi said, the Energy Ministry had to coordinate with the Forestry and Environment Ministry before auctioning the Warim Block.