Govt Forms Industrial Emission Control Team to Tackle Air Pollution

carbon emission

The Ministry of Industry has established an inspection team to oversee emission control in the industrial sector, focusing on the Jakarta, Banten, and West Java regions.

Director-General of Resilience, Zoning, and International Industrial Access of the Industry Ministry Eko Cahyanto explained that this team is in charge of monitoring emissions discharged by industries.

"We encourage companies and industrial zone managers to control emissions," Eko said on Friday.

The team will undertake several steps, including:

  • Conducting an inventory of the industrial sector to analyze and identify the number of industries with their own power generators, production processes, and waste.
  • Periodically examining reports from the industrial sector in the National Industrial Information System (SIINas).
  • Direct supervision to verify compliance with these reports, including the environmental documentation held by the industries.
  • Conducting audits in cases of violations.

Verifying compliance with legal regulations that must be followed by industrial companies and zones.

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