Korean Firms Help Indonesia Build Blood Plasma Fractionation Industry

blood samples

Indonesia has started to build the blood plasma fractionation industry to meet its blood plasma needs. "With Indonesia's large population, we should be able to manage blood resources through the plasma fractionation industry. This is a form of the nation's independence in domestic blood products," Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Cultural Affairs Muhadjir Effendy said on Wednesday.

At the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the provision of plasma fractionation raw materials at the Indonesia Red Cross (PMI) building in Jakarta, he lauded PMI's active role in handling COVID-19 by collecting and distributing convalescent plasma for patients' treatment. He said the collection and distribution of convalescent plasma saved thousands of lives.

The Health Ministry has appointed PT Daewong Infion-SK Plasma as a plasma fractionation facility and PT Triman-Green Cross Biopharma as a plasma management company. Both are joint venture companies of South Korean pharma companies and their Indonesian counterparts. With the MoU, Muhadjir hopes the government, industry players, and the community can work hand in hand to support the revival of the pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia.

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