Why Is Indonesian Government Rushing to Revise Capital City Law?

Titik nol di Ibu Kota Negara

President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo ordered the National Development Planning Minister Suharso Monoarfa to revise Law No. 3/2022 on the capital city (IKN) to fix land issues.

"Land issues in the IKN are expected to be clean and clear so that in the future it doesn't become a problem," Suharso revealed on Tuesday, without getting into details about which part of the law would require fixing.

He only emphasized that his institution is tasked to formulate a master plan and spatial planning for buildings and the environment.

Previously, IKN Authority deputy chairperson Dhony Rahajoe said that changes to the IKN Law would be discussed after the recess period of the House of Representatives (DPR). "The president supports the revision of the IKN Law. It is just that the content must be discussed, and we are processing it," he said.

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