Bangka Belitung Proposes Tin as Indonesia's Strategic Commodity

tin ingot

National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas) Governor Andi Widjajanto recommended that tin in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province (Babel) be designated as Indonesia's strategic commodity to boost national economic growth.

"We would recommend tin as a strategic commodity to President Joko Widodo," Andi said following a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the theme "Restoring tin commodity as a strategic mineral to secure the mineral assets control" in Pangkalpinang, Friday.

He supported tin's classification as a strategic commodity, with the aim of making Indonesia one of the world's leading tin producers. Lemhannas will present the results of the FGD as proposals to President Jokowi on ways to strengthen governance in line with the Energy Ministry's design developed in July 2021.

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