Environment Minister: Indonesia's Blue Carbon Potential Is Huge


Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya revealed that the Blue Carbon Ecosystem study compiled by the Indonesia Ocean Justice Initiative (IOJI) showed the potential of Indonesia's marine ecosystems consisting of mangrove forests, seagrass beds, estuaries or brackish/saltwater swamps, and coral reefs are huge. They can significantly sequester and store carbon, which plays an important role in climate change mitigation efforts. "The study is very relevant to our FOLU [Forestry and Other Land Uses] Net Sink 2030 agenda," Siti Nurbaya said in an event entitled Blue Carbon Ecosystem as Critical Natural Capital: Blue Carbon Ecosystem Governance in Indonesia on Monday.

Siti Nurbaya believed the IOJI study could further develop Indonesia's carbon governance. "I am also optimistic about the ocean and wetland sectors since wetlands as ecosystems are an integral part of the Environment and Forestry Ministry's work," she said.

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