Power Producers Left Disappointed as Indonesia Scraps Power Wheeling


Several energy companies revealed their disappointment with the removal of the power wheeling scheme from the Problem Inventory List (DIM) of the Renewable Energy Bill (RUU EBET). "According to AESI [Indonesian Solar Energy Association], the removal will hamper the scaling up of Indonesia's renewable energy mix," AESI chairman Fabby Tumiwa said on Monday. He suggested the House of Representatives (DPR) favor of PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) was visible even from the beginning, even though the scheme would allow for more clean energy adoptions. It would also pose an incentive for businesses to realize Indonesia's renewable energy potential.

Indonesian Geothermal Association (API) chairman Prijandaru Effendi also shares the same sentiment, citing that the power wheeling scheme could facilitate buyers who could afford the high prices of electricity generated from geothermal power plants (PLTP). "Revoking the power wheeling scheme means that the acceleration of geothermal development will only rely on PLN's purchasing ability," he said.

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