Online Transportation Fares Decentralization to Take Effect Soon

Aplikasi Gojek

The government will change the online application-based transportation fare calculation stipulated in Transportation Minister Regulation No. 12/2019 on safety protection for motorcycle users for public interests. In this revision, the local government will leave the determination of tariffs for motorbikes or motorbike taxis based on online apps.

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi said that tariff settings should be adjusted to regional conditions. He gave an example that tariff setting in Bali cannot be compared to Jakarta. Likewise with Makassar, where the existence of local transportation is robust. "It's dynamic. But indeed, the aspirations are very regional. We sometimes cannot anticipate and cannot generalize a decision," Budi said on Friday, adding that it is still under study. "Maybe in a year, we discuss it first," he said.

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