Yudo Margono, The Sole Candidate for TNI Commander


President Joko Widodo has proposed Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Yudo Margono to replace General Andika Perkasa as the Indonesian Military (TNI) Commander, made official through the issuance of the Presidential Letter (Surpres) to the House of Representatives (DPR). DPR Speaker Puan Maharani said she had already received the letter from State Secretary Pratikno. 

As a response, Puan explained that she would assign the House's Commission I to carry out a fit-and-proper test as part of the TNI commander succession plan. DPR's deputy speaker Lodewijk Paulus said the government's TNI Commander candidate must be put forward by submitting a Surpres containing the name of the candidate to the DPR 20 days before Andika's retirement date on Dec 21.

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