INA, BlackRock, Allianz Inject US$300 Mln into Traveloka

Aplikasi Traveloka

Traveloka raised US$300 million in funding from the Indonesia Investment Authority (INA), BlackRock, Allianz Global Investors, Orion Capital Asia, and several global financial institutions. Traveloka Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ferry Unardi said this funding round had attracted high-quality, long-term capital.

According to him, the funding will support the growth of the digital ecosystem in the travel sector. "This funding allows the company to grow further while cementing its status as one of the technology leaders in the Southeast Asia region," Ferry said in a written statement on Thursday.

INA CEO Ridha Wirakusumah said online travel agents (OTA) such as Traveloka had changed the industry landscape during the COVID-19 pandemic. "For example, the role of OTAs in Indonesia's gross tourism bookings is increasing from 24 percent before the pandemic or 33 percent in 2021, hoping that it reaches 36 percent by 2024," he said.

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