Cyber Security Risk: 1.3 Billion SIM Card Registration Data Leaks


Indonesia's public data leaked once again. A Twitter user shared a screenshot showing that 1.3 billion SIM card registration data in Indonesia was breached. The 87 gigabytes (GB) of data includes Identification Number (NIK), telephone number, provider names, and registration date. "The seller stated that this data was obtained from Kominfo," a Twitter user @Rifqi posted on Thursday.

Pratama Persadha, a cybersecurity expert and cyber research institute CISSReC (Communication & Information System Security Research Center) Chairman said the leaked data was uploaded on August 31 by a member of the website forum under the name 'Bjorka,' who also leaked Indihome customer historical data some time ago. The uploader also provides 1.5 million data for samples. "The seller stated a price of US$50,000 or around Rp 700 million, and the transaction only goes with cryptocurrency," he said.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Communications and Information (Kominfo) denied that the data came from its institution. "We have conducted an internal search. It can be seen that Kominfo does not have an application to accommodate prepaid and postpaid registration data," Kominfo said in a press statement on Thursday.

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