In Andaman Block, Indonesia Finds World’s Largest Gas Resources

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) revealed that the gas resources potential in the Andamans is quite high, with an average finding of 6 trillion cubic feet (tcf) from each block being developed. The Director General of Oil and Gas Tutuka Ariadji claims that the Andamans gas resource potential is the largest discovery yet in the world.
According to him, the Ministry of Energy and Premier Oil Andaman Ltd, the Andaman II Block operator, identified potential gas resources reaching six tcf in the Timpan-2 exploration well. ESDM Ministry estimates the reserves are also found in other blocks in the Andamans, for example, the Andaman Block III. On July 18, Repsol Andaman B.V as the operator began drilling the Rencong-1X exploration well. "The average [output] is around six tcf, so if you collect the three blocks in Andaman, it can be bigger than the Masela Block," Tutuka said on Wednesday.