Wood Mackenzie: Indonesia, World's Biggest Geothermal Player in 2026
Indonesia will become the world's largest geothermal player by 2026, Wood Mackenzie's research shows. The installed capacity of geothermal power plants (PLTP) in Indonesia in 2026 will reach 5,240 megawatts (MW). "In that year, Indonesia will dethrone the United States from the top," President Director of PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) Ahmad Yuniarto said on Monday.
The government has also prepared four measures to encourage geothermal development in Indonesia, targeting 3,355 MW additional geothermal power plants capacity by 2030. Director of Geothermal at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Harris said the government would first conduct government drilling to reduce the risk of developers while lowering the selling price of geothermal electricity. It targets drilling in 20 geothermal working areas for the planned development of a 683 MW PLTP by 2024.