Commander's Order Complicates Corruption Investigation


The Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) issued a telegram regulating the procedure for summonsing soldiers by law enforcement officers. Letter No. ST/1221/2021, signed by the TNI Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Eko Margiyono, on November 5, 2021, states the commander or unit head needs to be notified before proceeding with the summon of a soldier involved in a legal problem.

The telegram was out after summons to soldiers by the police were deemed not in accordance with the procedure. According to Colonel Rochmat, head of Civil Legal Assistance and State Administration of TNI's Legal Development Agency, the regulation is necessary to avoid any misunderstanding that may occur during the investigation carried out by the police, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), and the Attorney General's Office. "Do not let the direct summons to soldiers interfere with their duties. If anything bad happens out there, who will be responsible?" Rochmat explained on Tuesday.

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