Royal Green, Citilink's Strategy to Level Up?

low cost airlines

Citilink Indonesia airline opens a new service class called Royal Green starting July 28, 2021. Citilink President Director Juliandra Nurtjahjo said Royal Green is a diversified product to answer the needs of domestic flight passengers who crave extra comfort in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Through Royal Green, Citilink offers seat distancing (middle seats are not used), fast track, priority baggage, and free schedule changes. Juliandra said that the Royal Green service could be ordered as of July 23, 2021, through, the Citilink betterFly app, and Premium Economy selection for purchases via Online Travel Agent. "Currently, the services provided are limited to flight routes from Jakarta to Surabaya and Denpasar and vice versa," he said.

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