Government Ramps Up Refinery Development to Reduce Fuel Imports

Kilang 3

The government encourages new oil refineries and capacity building for existing refineries, especially by PT Pertamina. "The refinery construction is expected to go along with the plan so that we will be free from fuel imports by 2027," the Director of Downstream Oil and Gas Business Development at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Soerjaningsih said in a written statement, Wednesday (2/24).

According to the fuel supply and demand prognosis for 2020-2027, Indonesia will reach zero fuel imports in 2027 when all existing refineries' capacity building and the construction of new refineries are completed. At that time, fuel supply would reach 87.4 million kiloliters (KL), while demands are 85.1 million KL. The government prepares the fuel demand prognosis by assuming a 3.16 percent annual increase in fuel consumption.

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