Why Is the Government Drafting Social Media Blocking Rules?

internet censorship, blockade

The government is preparing ministerial regulation regarding the blocking of sites or social media content. Director-General of Information Application at the Communication and Information Ministry, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, said that in the era of democracy, it is impossible for the government to close websites or block social media content without clear reasons.

According to Semuel, the ministerial regulation he is preparing contains stages that determine whether content or site can be declared as a violation and will be sanctioned. "In the new regulation, there are clear stages, such as administrative sanctions to create a deterrent effect," he said, Tuesday (10/20). The government must also be able to provide evidence of negative content spread by accounts and online sites. The blocking can be done if the account or site refuses to delete or withdraw false information. “Government cannot block without clear reasoning,” said Samuel.

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