Confusion Over Omnibus Law’s Final Draft Continues

labor law

The House of Representatives (DPR) stated that the Job Creation Bill circulating after its ratification at the plenary session on October 5, 2020, was not the final draft. The deputy chairman of the House’s Legislation Body, Ahmad Baidhowi, revealed that two drafts circulated among DPR’s members: the draft with the filename of 'FINAL-Plenary Job Creation Bill' and '5 OCT 2020 Job Creation Bill - Paripurna'.

"But, in essence, all the editorial aspects have been completed. The Working Committee only needs to fix the punctuation and semicolon. The draft passed at the plenary session is final, but not the one circulating outside," he stated on Thursday (10/8).

Meanwhile, a House’s Legislative Body member, Firman Soebagyo, explained that the discussion on Job Creation Bill did not happen all at once. "There is still a refinement process. Therefore, if at the moment anyone expressing his/her view, it will definitely be different from the final draft," he continued.

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