Supporting Investment, Land Bank to Start the Development This Year


The Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning Ministry/National Land Agency expects the development of land banks to start this year since it becomes a priority in the Omnibus Law of job creation. The Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning Minister/National Land Agency’s chairman, Sofyan A. Djalil, on Tuesday (1/21) said that the existence of land banks was one of the agrarian reform requirements to solve various land problems. It could also accelerate the land acquisition process for development and public interests.

The object of the land bank can come from various sources. It can be the state’s public land reserve, unused lands, lands from deforestation, reclaimed lands, ex-mining lands, lands from the direct-procurement process, lands affected by spatial planning policy, granted lands, traded lands, remains of land consolidations, and other legally acquired properties. It can also be neglected areas with the right-to-cultivate permit, but the owners never use them for anything.

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