Corruption Eradication Commission Arrests a Supreme Court Judge


The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) arrested a top judge in a red-handed operation (OTT) on Thursday. Deputy KPK Chairman Nurul Ghufron said several people were arrested in Jakarta and Semarang over alleged mishandling cases at the Supreme Court. "KPK heavy-heartedly arrests a supreme judge," he said.

Ghufron hopes that the arrest will be the last. He is also concerned about the OTT, admitting that corruption cases in the judiciary are getting worse. "This means that our judicial and legal world, which should be based on evidence, is still tainted by money," he said. The KPK confiscated money in cash as evidence without mentioning the value.

Supreme Court Spokesman Andi Samsan Nganro has yet to comment on the OTT. He is still waiting for official confirmation from the KPK regarding this arrest. "To ensure that the information is correct, we are waiting for an official explanation from the KPK," Andi said, as quoted by

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