Personal Data Protection Bill Entering Final Stage

Data privacy

The House of Representatives (DPR) will finalize the Personal Data Protection (PDP) Bill. Chairman of the House PDP Bill Working Committee Abdul Kharis Almasyhari said the regulation is under talks by the House Information Commission and is near completion. Meanwhile, PDP Bill Working Committee member Muhammad Farhan targets the talks to be completed before the end of June. "Anyway, it will be complete by this week," Farhan said on Wednesday.

According to Farhan, the PDP Bill has stalled because the DPR and the government have not agreed on a personal data protection supervisory agency, yet it has now been agreed upon. "It has been completed. The decision will be announced. It's a win-win for everyone," the National Democratic Party (NasDem) politician said. However, he added that the new PDP Bill would be brought to the plenary session at the next session since PDP Bill still has to go through the synchronization and formulation stages after the discussion is complete.

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