New Supreme Auditor Members Appointed, What’s Next?

Picking people

The 11th Commission of the House of Representatives has approved Nyoman Adhi Suryadnyana as a Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) member in the fit and proper test, which ended on Thursday (9/9). Nyoman was elected even though he did not meet the requirements to run in accordance with Law No. 15/2006 on the audit agency.

According to the 11th Commission House Member Masinton Pasaribu, Nyoman's appointment was carried out through voting, when he gained 44 of 56 votes from the 11th Commission members who were present. Nyoman is also ahead of Dadang Suwarna, the next strongest candidate. Dadang only pocketed 12 votes.

With these advantages, Nyoman will become the fifth member of BPK, substituting Bahrullah Akbar, whose term ends in October 2021. "We will process the elected BPK members according to the mechanism," the 11th Commission Chairman Dito Ganinduto said in a statement.

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