ESDM Ministry Researches Coal-based Battery Anodes on High Demands


Research and Development Center for Mineral and Coal Technology (Puslitbang Tekmira) at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) initiated research on coal-based battery anodes. This is done by converting coal into high-value pitch raw materials. ESDM Ministry's Coal Processing and Utilization Technology Research and Development Group Coordinator Slamet Handoko said the research aims to support the coal downstream processing program, which produces high-value synthetic graphite raw materials.

The research will focus on manufacturing carbon precursors from coal tar distillation residues as energy storage materials. Graphite is the main raw material for battery anodes commonly used in electronic equipment batteries, including electric vehicle batteries. The material has high performance and has a fast-fill capacity and a long life. Usually, synthetic graphite is mixed with processed natural graphite (spherical graphite) to reduce production costs. "Since 2014, the proportion of synthetic graphite has reached 33-40 percent and is predicted to continue to increase along with the increasing demand for electric car batteries," Slamet said on Monday (1/11).

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